Sustainability Leaderboards
Top 10 smallest polluters 2021
(total scope 1 & 2)
We have used the location based methodology to calculate total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.
Greatest % reduction in GHG emissions
(scope 1 & 2 2020 β 2021)
Where specified by the business we have used their both scope 1 methodology and scope 2 (market
and location based).
Greatest tCO2 reduction in GHG emissions
(scope 1 & 2 2020 β 2021)
Where specified by the business we have used their chosen scope 1 methodology and scope 2 market
and location based.
Most Energy Efficient Business 2021
This has been calculated using tCO2e / £ million of revenue across all businesses in
order to enable comparisons to be made.
Companies Reporting The Most Amount Of Data 2017 - 2022
Least Polluting Sector (2021)
Most Energy Light Sector (2021)
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